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Intro to the Web

Wordpress Part 2

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Today we learn more about your CMS-driven website, including changing themes, post types, logos, and comment moderation, and then we’ll start on our final assignments!

Intro to a CMS

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Today we learn about content management systems, how to think about a portfolio, and set up a site through

Optimization Part 2

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Today we continue learning about the high-performance web, looking at techniques including asset loading, minimizing requests, minification, SSL certificates, HTTP/2, and more. Most importantly, we’ll put our first website on the internet!


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Whether you’re driven by ethics or the almighty dollar, great web performance is a must. Today we’ll start learning how to deliver high-performance web applications.

CSS Layout Part 1

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This week we’ll learn about mobile-first design techniques & media queries; how HTML flows by default, positioning in CSS, and the float property.

CSS Intro Part 2

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Today we’ll get to practice our CSS (and learn a few more tricks) by building a menu. We’ll get an introduction to browser dev tools, a basic CSS reset, fonts in CSS, and how to style a menu with :pseudo selectors.

Introduction to CSS

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Today we’ll look at what CSS is, how it operates, where to put it, how to write CSS rules, and how to validate our CSS.