An embodied lightbulb with a spigot watering a plant (it's an absurd illustration).

Bottle Rocket

ANTHONY and DIGNAN walk down an alley behind a convenience store. Anthony's nineteen. He's got on a red jacket with an Enco patch. Dignan's twenty. He has a buzz-cut and wears a short-sleeved terrycloth shirt. He carries a vinyl tennis bag. It's got a pouch for a racquet but no racquet in it.


They climb over a high wooden fence.

Anthony and Dignan are inside walking through the foyer. Anthony goes up the stairway quickly and quietly.

Dignan walks to the master bedroom. Goes in the closet and grabs a box. Looks inside. Dumps it into his bag.

Anthony goes into a bedroom. Looks in a dresser and takes out two watches. Digs through some socks and finds some cash.

Dignan goes in the study. Opens a drawer and closes it. Opens another and lifts out a set of thin leather coin books.

Dignan is walking down the hallway as Anthony comes down the stairs. They walk to the door and go out.

Dignan cuts into an alley. Anthony turns back. Looks at a parked car. Looks left and right. Walks to the car and reaches in the half-open window.

An alarm goes off. Anthony unlocks the door and opens it. Leans inside. Grabs a wallet off the seat.

A MAN standing on the sidewalk watches Anthony get out of the car.

A snail wearing a racing helmet approaching the end of a race.

Guy #2 pushes Dignan. Anthony turns and pounds him in the face. Right on the nose. The guy goes crosseyed. He falls down with his legs all tangled-up in a strange position.

Everyone stands there stunned. Anthony takes a step back. He looks up. He and Dignan take off. Bob stands there. Frozen. Everyone looks at him. Bob looks at Little Richard.