Assignment 1
Welcome to your first assignment!
Here's what you need to do:
- Submit one html file, and one css file, zipped in a folder.
- Make sure all your HTML Opens in a new window and CSS Opens in a new window is valid according to the W3C.
- All your HTML must be semantically correct.
- Your CSS must be coded mobile-first.
- Your page should include the following:
- A header image
- A page title with a different font-family than the body font.
- In-page navigation
- Three or more sections of content (with section titles where appropriate).
- Enough content that the page extends past the bottom of the viewport.
- A "back to top" button that remains in the bottom-right of the viewport that returns the user to the top of the page.
- At least two images in the page content, at least one floated to the right, and at least one floated to the left.
- Appropriate padding/margin around elements to make things pleasant to read.
- A different colour scheme on desktop and mobile.
- One word in the body content, not contained in a link, that changes style when hovered over.
- Add a bit of personal style.
If you're not sure where to get content for your page, head over to wikipedia.